Tabitha's Way Local Food Pantry
Please help us with our Thanksgiving Dinner Food Drive. Our goal is to feed 650 families so they can have Thanksgiving with their loved ones, which wouldn't be possible without your help. The cost to provide each dinner is $30 per family, but any amount no matter how large or small is appreciated. Please feel free to donate as much or as little as you can so that we can reach our goal. Your generosity will help us to bring families together for Thanksgiving. Please help us to be able to give 650 families that same feeling of peace, love and gratitude that you get when you plan and gather with your loved ones this Thanksgiving. Thank you for your generosity.
November 10, 2024 -- Anonymous
God Bless Tabithas Way for bringing families together for Thangsgiving.
November 16, 2024 -- Anonymous
Thanks Tabitha's way and FindsUp for supporting people in need??