At FundsUp we are a community of giving. A platform that enables us to work together to lift each other up. We strive to support those with dreams in their hearts that just need a helping hand from those around them. If you are someone with an unfulfilled dream, or someone that has the means to help someone fulfill their dream, come join the FundsUp Family.

FundsUp makes it simple to meet your fundraising goals. Whether you're trying to help someone in need, raising funds for a team, or trying to launch a new business, we've got the tools and technolgy to help.

Work with your team to decide what your specific needs and wants are and make a specific goal to meet those needs

Provide basic information on your location, group, name and purpose. Get Started >

Add a detailed story about who you are and what you are trying to do. Let everyone know what's special about your cause. Add photos and information to communicate and help people care about your cause.

Finalize any details, spruce up your story and it's ready to go.

Share with friends, family, and aquaintences. Reach thousands with e-mails, texts and social media.

Manage your donations, send thank you notes and fulfill your goals!